SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! JR. opens at 6 a.m. as Tom Mizer, a young teacher, wakes up on his first day of work. As his alarm goes off, Tom enters and begins to rehearse his teaching technique. Soon, Tom's thoughts begin to take life around him. In an attempt to calm himself, Tom turns on the T.V. What’s on this morning? Why, it's Schoolhouse Rock! As Tom gets drawn into the show the first song begins. Tom thinks he may be losing his marbles and attempts to turn off the T.V. His various alter egos convince him that he is O.K. Each one of them is a part of Tom's mind. They’re every person, place and thing he has ever seen. Tom is still quite unconvinced that he is has not lost his mind. Undaunted, the ensemble sings, "A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing."
Tom tries to move into his day by looking over his lesson plan, which he feels will be a tough job. The company assure him that with their help, it will be as easy as one, two, "Three Is a Magic Number." The song tells the tale of the magic number three and it’s almost magical qualities. After the number about the number Tom remarks that it was, "…the coolest song." Which leads right into, "Unpack Your Adjectives." The company describe the descriptive qualities of adjectives.
After "Unpack Your Adjectives", Tom begins to accept the fact that his thoughts have taken on human form and loosens up a little. He pleads that he has to teach other subjects like Social Studies and his new-found helpers are right there for him with, "Just a Bill." George, dressed as a "bill" tells the story of a bill and it’s journey towards becoming a law. The song reminds Tom just how much he remembered of, "Schoolhouse Rock", and Shulie reminds Tom that, "The Preamble" was another shining example of the series educational value. Each character remembers sitting taking a test and singing the tune that made the Preamble to the Constitution unforgettable.
Tom’s having fun now, keeping things upbeat, the company moves into a rousing, "Circulation" detailing the circulatory system through a dance craze. Hot on the heels of medical science, it’s back to grammar with one of the favorites of the show, "Conjunction Junction" delivered with the help of word signs with conjunctions on them making living sentences on stage. Leaving "Conjunction Junction", Tom is reminded of trains which reminds Dina of planes, boats and, finally, spaceships. Shulie's interest is sparked as she sings the up tempo pop song, "Interplanet Janet." The company forms with costumes and props the solar system as Shulie assumes the role of Janet.
The company feels that they have done their duty and that Tom is ready to teach. Tom’s ready to teach, but not quite ready to leave his new friends, so he requests his personal favorite, "Interjections", which ends the show.
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